Educational Institutions

Learn how our solutions can benefit the Educational Institutions


Increase in student engagement


Increase in academic performance


Increase in problem solving skills

Our Solution

XR Companion elevates remote learning in educational institutions by enabling virtual demonstrations, interactive AR annotations, and real-time guidance for technical training and skill development.

Students embark on virtual field trips to historical sites, museums, and scientific phenomena, while teachers create interactive lessons using XR Learn, integrating 360-degree videos and simulations to engage students and foster deeper understanding.

XR Labs provides interactive learnings for K12+ school and college going students.

What are we solving?

Promoting active learning

XR Learn offers immersive simulations and interactive lessons to engage students and promote active learning.

Traditional education resources
XR Companion provides access to an immersive shared library of educational resources and multimedia materials.
Limited hands-on learning

Virtual field trips and hands-on learning experiences are facilitated through XR Learn's immersive environments. 

Inefficient progress tracking

Assessment tools include interactive quizzes and progress tracking features to monitor student performance.

Non-personalized learning

Personalized learning pathways and support services help reduce dropout rates and enhance student engagement. 

Difficult remote support

Remote assistance capabilities enable teachers to provide support and guidance to students during remote learning sessions. 

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